Education is central to the life of an individual in the community. It provides opportunities for personal, social, and academic growth and development. It sets the stage for later life experiences, most especially in employment. It is also an important means for social mobility and integration into the life of the community. Mauritius signed and ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities which calls on State Parties to promote the concept of inclusive education for person with disabilities.
In this context, the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology which has the responsibility for education of all children in Mauritius, including children with disabilities, has an official policy of “Inclusive Education” which is being implemented since 2006. Moreover, the Special Education Needs Authority Act has been promulgated in 2018 with the objective to provide for the establishment of a Special Education Needs Authority which is responsible for monitoring and facilitating the implementation of special education needs policies of the Government.
To assist in the education of children with disabilities, the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security and National Solidarity (Social Security Division) provides the following facilities:
(i) Refund of equivalent to bus fares to accompanying parents of disabled children attending daycare centres, specialized, integrated and mainstream schools.
(ii) Refund of Taxi Fares to students with severe disabilities attending universities and mainstream schools.
(iii) Scholarship Scheme by the National Council for the Rehabilitation of Disabled Person to encourage students with disabilities to pursue vocational, secondary and tertiary studies in local institutions recognised by the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology.