
  1. Benefits Under National Pensoins Act

1.1. Invalid’s Basic Pension (BIP)

Eligibility Criteria

To benefit from a Invalid’s Basic Pension:

1. The person should be less than 60 years old;

2. Should be certified by the Medical Board of the Ministry to be substantially incapacitated to a degree of at least 60% which is likely to last for a period of at least 12 months;

3. A non-citizen must have resided in the Republic of Mauritius for at least 5 years in aggregate in the ten years preceding the claim, one of those 5 years being immediately before the date of the claim.

4. Amount payable as from July 2023: Rs 11,000

1.2. Carer’s Allowance to Beneficiaries of BIP

(i) Beneficiaries of Invalid’s Basic Pension who need the constant care and attention of another person are also entitled to a Carer’s allowance.

(ii) The amount payable is: Rs 3,500 a month.

1.3. Carer’s Allowance to Beneficiaries of Basic Retirement Pension (60 years and above)

(i) Beneficiaries of Basic Retirement Pension (BRP) who are disabled to an extent of not less than 60% and who need the constant care and attention of another person are paid an additional benefit on top of their Basic Retirement Pension.

(ii) the amount payable is: Rs 3,500 per month

Please note that the above pensions are universal, that is, they are not means-tested.

1.4. Documents to be produced: (original & photocopy)

(i)    Birth Certificate;
 National Identity Card;
(iii)  Medical Certificate/Report from treating doctor;
(iv)  Marriage Certificate, if applicable;
(v)  Bank Account Number and Name of Bank, if any (evidence o
f bank account);
(vi) National Identity Card of proxy, if claim made by anotherv person; and
(vii) Pension card, if already in receipt of a pension. 

1.5. Contributory Invalidity Pension

(i) The Contributory Invalidity Pension is payable to a person who has an incapacity of at least 60%, which is likely to last for a period of at least 12 months, provided contributions have been paid to the National Pensions Fund; and

(ii) It is an earning-related benefit.

1.6 Industrial Injury Allowance

(a) This is payable to an employee who has suffered an industrial injury resulting in a temporary total incapacity as per medical certificate.

(b) The amount payable is as follows:-

(i) full salary by employer during first 2 weeks of temporary total incapacity;
(ii) 80% of insurable wages under the Social Contribution and Social Benefits Act 2021, as from 3rd week of incapacity. 

1.7 Disablement Pension

(a) This is payable to an employee who has suffered an industrial injury resulting in a provisional or permanent incapacity (partial
or total);

(b) The amount payable is as follows:-

(i) where the incapacity is to the extent of 100%, the monthly pension is equivalent to 80% of the insurable wages at time of accident;

(ii) where the incapacity ranges from 1% to less than 100 %, the monthly pension is:- 

            65% x monthly insurable wages at time of accident x degree of incapacity;

(iii) There is an option for a lump sum payment where:

(a)   (1) Award is final

        (2) Disablement is less than 20%

        (3) Employee has not reached retirement age on date of industrial accident.

(b)    (1) Award is permanent

        (2) Disablement is 100%

        (3) Employee has not reached retirement age on date of industrial accident.

        (4) period between date of industrial accident and retirement is less than 8 years

(iv) The lump sum is calculated as follows:-

  Degree of Disability X Annual Insurable Earnings X number of years of award (not exceeding 8 years).

1.8 Constant Attendance Allowance

(a) This is payable, where as a result of an industrial injury, the person suffers from an incapacity or disablement of such nature that he must have the constant and personal attendance of another person. He must be entitled to an industrial injury allowance or a disablement pension for a disablement of 100%.

1.9 Survivor’s Pension (Industrial Accident)

(a) It is payable to the widow of an insured worker who died as a result of an industrial accident;

(b) The Survivor’s Pension is payable to the widower only if he suffers from an incapacity of at least 60% which is likely to last at least 12 months.

(c) The amount payable is 50% of the insurable salary of the deceased worker + child allowance for a maximum of 3 dependent children. 

1.10 Other benefits

(a) The bus fares or taxi fares are refunded to the insured employee who follows treatment at a medical institution;

(b) To qualify for taxi fare, the beneficiary should be medically certified as not being able to travel
by bus;

(c) Where an urgent medical treatment in a private clinic is necessary, a reasonable sum not exceeding Rs 4,000 is payable;

(d) A reasonable amount of money is also given to cover the purchase, maintenance and renewal of artificial aids such as operations, dentures, orthopaedic appliances, prosthesis, etc.